Rotarian Aaron Hagan, Laura McCabe of Community Help, Caroline McCarthy of Bridge Crossing, Rotarian Jessica Putnam and daughter Landyn Putnam, Rotarian George Klauber and Friend of Rotary Diane Ozuma during gift giving at Bridge Crossing in Bridgton.
The Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club donated 20 winter coats, 20 pairs of snow pants, 25 pairs of waterproof gloves, 15 pairs of snow boots to the Crooked River Elementary School in Casco for distribution as needed by the school to children in need.  “In the past,” said Aaron Hagan, President 2022-23 of the local Rotary Club, ”we’ve donated to the Songo Locks and Stevens Brook Elementary Schools.  This year they were set, due to the generosity of others. The newly reopened Crooked River School had needs and would share with the other schools if some needs did develop.”  Rotarians George Klauber and Aaron Hagan were pleased to hand the gifts over to Principal Steve Gagne and his team the week before Christmas. 