Rotarians Carol Rothenberg and Peter Kaurup Present Adult Masks to Faylene McKeen at the Universalist Church of Norway. 
Rotarians Carol Rothenberg of the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club and Peter Kaurup of the Oxford Hills Club handing over 70 hygienically-repackaged packets of 10 masks each for distribution to patrons of the Universalist Church of Norway Food Pantry on Wednesday, March 10. Fayelene McKeen, Director of Food Pantry gratefully accepted them.  
The first round of the New England Rotary Clubs' Million Mask Challenge arrived in October 2020 and were distributed to police and fire departments and community centers. At the same time, the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club distributed to Food pantries in Bridgton, Naples and Sweden.  The 2nd round of masks arrived in January along with a limited number of children’s face coverings.  These too were delivered to food pantries in the region.  The last of the masks were distributed to pantries in Naples, Sweden and Norway in early March. The Club recently received 400 kids’ masks from the Bethel Club; those masks are being delivered to Naples, North Fryeburg and St. Joseph’s Food Pantry in Bridgton in mid-March. 

Rotarian Carol Madsen, the Club's Covid-19 Project Coordinator, remarked, “With the Biden Administration’s plan to deliver face masks to food pantries and health clinics throughout the country from March through May, the Rotary Club will move to provide local food pantries with more health and wellness products.” 

For any questions about Rotary, contact President Julie Forbes or President-Elect Jessica Putnam at  Check the website at and Like the Facebook Page BridgtonLakeRegionRotary. 