January 18, 2021 - Rotarians Peter Kaurup and Carol Rothenberg were part of Mask Handoff in Harrison

The Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club received another shipment of masks from the Rotary’s Million Mask Challenge, thanks to the generosity of a Connecticut Rotarian who made thousands available to Clubs in our District.  We understand that there will be children's masks coming soon The 5000 masks will be distributed in Health & Wellness packets to local food pantry patrons over the next few weeks.

“Rotarian Peter Kaurup of the Oxford Hills Rotary Club picked up the masks for us last week in Portland and today we will begin to put them into packets at the Harrison Food Bank,” explained Rotarian Carol Madsen, Covid-19 Team Coordinator for the Bridgton Club. “Most Mondays Rotarians and Friends are at the Harrison Food Bank assembling boxes for Harrison and Health & Wellness Packets for Harrison, Bridgton, Naples and Sweden food pantries.” If you want to help, contact Carol at carjmad@hotmail.com.

For information about Rotary and its programs and projects, contact us at LakeRegionRotary@gmail.com.


For more information about this press release, contact Carol at carjmad@hotmail.com.
